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The Questionable Parenting Choices that are Making Teachers Quit
As teachers, we see and care for our pupils up to 8 hours a day...but the other 16 are all down to you, parents! Whilst we can try to do...
The 10 New Attendance Rules Schools Need to Know About for September 2024
You will know as well as I do that if a child misses just one day of school, that is one day’s worth of education lost. If it’s more than...
10 Whole School SEMH Intervention Strategies to Improve Wellbeing
Supporting students with Social, Emotional & Mental Health Needs (SEMH) needs can be a real challenge, especially in recent years with...
How Schools Can Tackle the Influence of Andrew Tate
Safeguarding children is the most important concern for all people who work with children and young people. With the rise of social...
5 Ways to Reduce Emotionally Based School Avoidance?
Emotionally based school avoidance (EBSA) is a term used to describe children and young people who experience genuine challenges in...
How to Help Children Cope with Grief and Loss
Following a very sudden death of a close friend, I found myself unable to concentrate, filled with dark thoughts and randomly breaking...
Why Are So Many Children Being Excluded?
Nearly 4000 children were permanently excluded from school in the 2020/2021 school year. In addition to this, over 350,000 children were...
Understanding the True Meaning of the John Lewis Advert: Supporting Looked After Children
The unveiling of the annual John Lewis Christmas advert is a UK TV highlight, and often one that leaves many viewers in tears. The advert...
How to Successfully Implement Restorative Practice in the Classroom
Restorative practice has emerged as one of the most favoured methodologies to use in schools as a better way to correct student behaviour.
Mastering Social-Emotional Learning in Children
We are all born with very intense emotions but with no skills on how to manage them! Social-Emotional learning helps children master how...
Teacher's Guide to Emotional Coaching
Emotional Coaching is a key technique used to support children in developing their social and emotional skills which are essential for...
Zones of Regulation: An Overview
The Zones of Regulation is a complete social-emotional learning curriculum, created to teach children self-regulation and emotional...
How to Make a Pupil Passport
Pupil Passports are a person centred working tool suitable for those supporting pupils from EYFS through to post-16 provisions. The...
Supporting Students with Anxiety
1 in 6 children are currently experiencing mental health difficulties, and anxiety is one of the most common conditions, affecting...
Attachment & Trauma in Education
What is Trauma? Although we want to think that every child grows up in a safe, loving environment, this is sadly not the case and many,...
Understanding Challenging Behaviour
One of the most difficult things that teachers, teaching assistants and support staff need to overcome in the classroom is managing...
Conduct Disorder in Children: An Overview
Whether you have taught in mainstream schools, SEN/SEMH Schools or Alternative Provisions, you will have no doubt come across children...
Introduction to Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs
In 2020/2021, over 200,000 children in the UK received either SEN support or an EHCP for Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs...
Meeting the Unmet Needs of Children with Challenging Behaviour
A child's real needs often lie beneath behaviour and too often they go unseen, unheard and unmet.
Top 5 Books for Your SEMH Library
These books allow the emotional centres of the brain to express deep and complex emotions.
Trauma Informed Teaching: Supporting Learners Suffering from Complex Trauma
Being trauma informed in your teaching practice is essential these days. More and more children are experiencing social, emotional and...
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